A thesis project that I made during the senior year in the School of Visual Arts. It is a "fake game trailer" that about a boy starting his adventure with the power of Dragons.
In this project, I am responsible for all characters and some props modeling, texturing, shading, couple scenes of lighting, animation, rendering, compositing, sound mixing, and final editing.
Check out our thesis here!
A few concept arts

Our hero, Ryu

I made a modular medieval houses to put in the village scene. First I broke down parts of the construction: wall, roof, door, and extra parts. After that I started modeling and UV wrapping in Maya. Then I made a procedural wood texture in Zbrush and Substance Painter (Now when I look back, the texture should be more variation). After texturing and shading, I combined the parts and make a few different houses and lay them out into a village.
Characters texturing + Celshading

Here is a screenshot of the hero's texture. I hand-painted the texture in Substance Painter with a anime style.

And then I made a celshade material in Unreal Engine and applied it on all characters.
Here are the turntables of the final result of our hero and the dragon.
Lighting Process
The lighting process from one of the scenes in Unreal Engine.
Film Stills